MCB Srilanka


All MCB Branches are open for business from 9.00am to 3.00pm to serve you with counter transactions. We encourage you to use our digital banking channels for 24/7 fast & convenient banking services. ---- All MCB Branches are open for business from 9.00am to 3.00pm to serve you with counter transactions. We encourage you to use our digital banking channels for 24/7 fast & convenient banking services. ----

For further assistance please contact us on +94 115 000 622

Term Deposits

The safe way to save!

A term deposit with MCB Bank is the right way to save. It comes with a healthy rate to help grow your deposit, along with a host of other benefits.


Interest Rates View Interest Rates

1 - 48 Month

Deposit Tenure

Rs. 100,000

Minimum Deposit

Walk into any MCB Branch and open your account today, or simply call our hotline for more information.

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