Exchange Rates

Date 13-09-2024

Currency Type Currency Telegraphic Transfers
Buying Rate Selling Rate Buying Rate Selling Rate
US Dollar (USD) 293.50 309.50 297.00 306.00
Sterling Pound (GBP) 384.29 408.29 388.79 403.79
Japanese Yen (JPY) 2.0665 2.2065 2.0915 2.1815
EURO (EUR) 323.21 345.21 326.71 341.71
Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) 37.56 39.76 37.66 39.66
Singapore Dollar (SGD) 224.01 240.01 226.51 237.51
Chinese Yuan (CNY) 40.31 44.51 40.91 43.91
Saudi Riyal (SAR) 75.34 85.34 76.34 84.34

Note - Exchange Rates are subject to change without prior notice. Please call us on our hotline to find the latest exchange rates applicable.

***For all foreign exchange-related transactions, including but not limited to the buying or selling of foreign currencies, wire transfers, and remittances, a markup will be applied to the prevailing exchange rate. The markup is set by the bank and may vary from time to time based on market conditions and other factors.

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