Dear Virtual Banking User, If you receive an email or message asking you for personal or financial details, please do not respond or disclose any information. Common Information asked in such cases may include Password, First Name, Last Name, ATM PIN and Email Address. You are requested not to click on any link in any such message/email received.


MCB Bank will never blindly text or email you for your personal information. Any such text or email claiming to be from MCB Bank asking for personal information should be reported to our Customer Service. For more information on Internet Security please contact our call center at (+94) 115 000 622 to speak to our customer service representatives.

Common Online Banking Fraud

Phishing Emails & False Websites Phishing refers to cyber-criminals who attempt to gather sensitive personal information from consumers through emails and/or through imitations of legitimate websites. These emails which often look very legitimate and nearly identical to what a real email from our bank would look like should neither be opened nor replied. It will often direct the recipient to click on a website to verify personal information or even respond to the email with the information. Pop-Up Advertisements Pop-ups appear in a separate browser window and, when clicked, can download harmful spyware or adware to your computer. While some make legitimate offers, many pop-ups are attempts to obtain your sensitive information.

Some General Security Tips for Internet Banking:

Our bank take numerous steps to keep the customer account information secure. However, customers must take precautions as well.
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